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20180623 ~ Sayonara Lie-Covered Real World ~ 0riginal




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The financial world is full of vanity. LTCM, Lehman Brothers, Yamaichi Securities and others, these professionals have had little success. This rare NFT image is "A Real Account", but the TV news does not report such an event. This proves that the actual market price and the exchange's market price are not linked. I inquired about this to the exchange, "We hope you haven't suffered a great deal of loss." They answered like someone else's affairs. If I Had made an entry then, I would have gone bankrupt. Is "Black Monday" a fictional event where the exchange has made arrangements with each other in advance ? The reality of the financial products you are fighting for may be just a TV game system in the form of a chart, and the degree of difficulty is very high to win. Wager ? Betting is guaranteed to win at least 1/2. It may be just an algorithm system of numbers that automatically march and converge towards "0". I sincerely hope that a truly fair financial market will be fostered. A world full of falsehoods that makes things that aren't there. Let's make such a world a legacy of the past. To a new journey of web 3.0.

※ These NFTs exist only 4 pieces of work in the world as 0riginal / 4 added real name & with original image (100ETH) 1 / 4 (50ETH) 2 / 4 (50ETH) 3 / 4 (50ETH)  Don't miss the historical value of handing down this historical fact to future generations.

0(Zero) riginal / 4 added real name & with original image (100ETH) : bellsrockvistanagoya0001 ※ This is the first image and also the last one.






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