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Curated Collections Bring Artists Together

In regular collections, only the creator can add NFTs. This means all NFTs come from one person who made the collection. But in a curated collection, a curator creates it and invites different artists to add their NFT art. The idea is to bring artists together under the curator's guidance.

In a normal collection, all sales and royalties go to one person. But in a curated collection, the curator and artists share the sales and royalties.

Curator's Job:

  • Creates the collection and decides the theme of NFTs that should be in it.
  • Finds artists and approves who can add their art. The curator tells artists what kind of art they need.
  • Chooses which artwork is accepted or rejected. Rejected art isn't part of the collection.
  • Decides when the collection will be sold to the public.
  • Handles the marketing for the collection.

Contributor's Job:

  • If approved, artists can add their new art to the collection. Curated collections don't take existing NFTs, only new artwork that becomes NFTs.
  • Also sets the price for their art that will be sold as NFTs during the public sale.

Sales & Royalties Distribution

  • The curator has the flexibility to select a percentage ranging from 10% to 50% during the collection creation process. This chosen percentage represents the curator's share from the public sale proceeds, while the remaining amount is allocated to the contributing artist whose artwork is sold.
  • Additionally, a fixed royalty structure is in place: the curator receives 3% of the sale amount, and the art contributor receives 7% whenever their artwork is sold in the secondary market.