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Curated Shows Bring NFTs Together

A curated show is like a special exhibition where a curator gathers the best digital artworks (NFTs) from different artists and displays them together. It's similar to an art exhibition in a gallery where artists showcase their top pieces. The curator's job is to bring these artists together and organize the show to highlight and promote their NFTs.

Curator's Job:

  • Creates the show and decides the theme of the show.
  • Finds artists and approves who can add their art. The curator tells artists what kind of nfts they need.
  • Curators can't take out any NFTs that artists submit, but they can choose the best ones to showcase in the main exhibition. The ones that don't make it to the main show, like the less popular or lower-quality ones, are moved to a separate section called `"extras.`" Even though these extras aren't in the main spotlight, people can still see and purchase them if they want.
  • Decides when the show will start.
  • Handles the marketing for the show.

Contributor's Job:

  • If artists get whitelisted, they can submit their NFTs for the show. But here's the catch: the show only takes NFTs that already exist. To send in an NFT, artists have to transfer and lock it in the show's smart contract. If the show hasn't started yet, they can take it back anytime. Once the show begins, though, the NFTs stay locked for 15 days. After that, artists can retrieve unsold NFTs. This rule is in place to make sure the NFTs are available for people who want to buy them during the show.
  • Also sets the price for their NFT in the show.

Curated Shows vs Curated Collections

Nature of Submissions:

  • Curated Shows: Only accept existing NFTs from artists.
  • Curated Collections: Don't accept existing NFTs; artists submit fresh artworks that are converted into NFTs when sold.

Submission Process:

  • Curated Shows: Artists transfer and lock their NFTs in a smart contract for 15 days after the show starts, retrievable by the artist if unsold.
  • Curated Collections: Artists don't submit NFTs directly; their artwork turns into an NFT

Revenue Sharing:

  • Curated Shows: Curator and NFT owner share a percentage of the sale.
  • Curated Collections: Curator and art contributor share earnings in primary sales, and they also share royalties on each secondary market sale.

Relationship Between Curated Show and Curated Collection:

  • NFTs from a curated collection can be displayed in a curated show.

Sales & Royalties Distribution

The curator has the flexibility to select a percentage ranging from 10% to 50% during the show creation process. This chosen percentage represents the curator's share from the sale proceeds, while the remaining amount is allocated to the contributing artist whose NFT is sold.