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  • Maximum supply: 2 million
  • Public Sale Supply: 1 million
  • Fully ERC-20 compliant
  • Decimal: 18
  • Symbol: WASL
  • Contract address: sadaasdasdsasd
  • Price/token: 1 Matic

Minting and Distribution Process

Every time a member of the public mints a new token, an additional token is minted and reserved for the platform team. In the future, the Wasal team might choose to reduce its ownership by conducting another public sale

Platform Revenue Distribution

Our platform sustains itself through a nominal transaction fee of 4% on every NFT trade. This revenue is meticulously directed to the holders of Wasal tokens, our valued stakeholders. Importantly, Wasal token holders are exempt from the necessity of staking their tokens to benefit from these earnings.

Account Verification Requirement

Individuals, excluding those who acquired Wasal tokens directly from our public sale, are kindly requested to undergo a one-time account verification process on the blockchain. This verification, accessible via our platform, ensures the judicious allocation of revenue, preventing any wastage within decentralized exchanges (dexes) or decentralized finance (defi) protocol smart contracts.

Important Note on Shares

It is crucial to understand that the term "share" corresponds to whole numbers of Wasal tokens. To illustrate:

  • If there are 100 Wasal tokens in circulation and you own 1 Wasal token, you will earn 1% of the revenue.
  • If you own 0.5 Wasal tokens in the context of 100 total tokens, regrettably, no earnings will be attributed.
  • Possessing 1.5 Wasal tokens from the total of 100 allows you to claim 1% of the generated revenue.
  • Ownership of 2 Wasal tokens translates to a 2% share of the revenue from the total pool of 100 tokens.
  • Similarly, if you possess 2.9 Wasal tokens from the total 100, you are entitled to 2% of the revenue.