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Gas-free Lazy Minting

We use advanced lazy minting technology, which lets you create NFTs without paying any gas fees. You can make as many as you want without worrying about gas fees.

Create an NFT

To create a new NFT, here's what you do:

  1. First, make sure you're logged into the platform.
  2. Then, click on the 'create' page in the navigation bar.
  3. On the create page, click on 'create NFT.' A form will pop up where you can fill in details about your new NFT. You'll see this form in the image below.
  4. Just fill in the form - all the fields are easy to understand. Remember, every NFT belongs to a collection. So, pick the right collection from the options. It can be the default one or a collection you made.
    Learn more about collections.
  5. After you submit the form, wait a few seconds while we check the information. If everything's good, you'll be redirected to the page of your brand new NFT. That's it!

Remember: Once you've made your NFT, you need to publish it before selling it. The next section will show you how to do that.

Publish an NFT

Once you've made your NFT, you can still edit or delete it until you publish it. But you can't sell it until it's published. Once it's published, you can't edit or delete it anymore. Only after publishing, you can trade your NFT on our platform.

  • You can edit or delete your NFT by clicking on the icon on the NFT's page. If you can't find it, just look below the NFT's title.
  • To publish your NFT, simply click on the 'Publish NFT' button on the NFT's page.