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We are currently in BETA VERSION!

Welcome to WASAL, a digital realm where creativity knows no bounds. WASAL is not just your ordinary NFT marketplace; it's an enchanting oasis for artists, curators, and collectors to come together and share their passion for the arts. In this ethereal space, we offer an extraordinary gas-free minting experience, making it easier than ever for you to transform your art into NFTs. But that's not all; WASAL is also a sanctuary of innovation, providing you with cutting-edge curation tools to shape your own digital art gallery. Step into the world of WASAL, where imagination meets innovation, and where the art of tomorrow is born today.

Supported Networks

We are currently only on Polygon PoS Network. We picked Polygon because it's a popular network that's faster and cheaper than the main Ethereum network.

Supported Wallets

In our beta version, we'll only work with Metamask. But soon, we plan to include all the major wallets out there.

Connecting with the Platform

To get started on our platform, follow these simple steps:

  1. First, make sure you have the Metamask extension installed in your web browser.
  2. Confirm that you are on the correct network in Metamask, which should be Polygon Pos.
  3. Look for the 'connect button' in the navigation bar and click on it. Give permission to Metamask to connect with
  4. Once connected, the 'connect button' will change to 'login button'. Click on the login button, and Metamask will ask you to sign a message. We use this signature to verify that you own the account and grant you temporary credentials.

That's it! You're all set to start using our platform.

Supported NFT Standards

Right now, you can only make and trade ERC-721 NFTs on our platform. The metadata for NFTS is stored on IPFS - decentralized file storage system.

How does the platform earn?

our platform earns a small percentage on each sale through the revenue sharing model of Wasal tokens it holds.
Learn more about Wasal tokens